Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Check out my Gurlz: Simmons

Honey headed to La La Land to shoot Angela, 22, and Vanessa, 26.

Describe your style.

A: I don’t really have a set style because I don’t know how I’m going to feel in the morning.

V: You would be a very diverse dresser.

A: But that’s boring. I don’t want to say “diverse dresser.”

V: I made up my whole category. I’m versatile.

A: I don’t like to just go with what’s trendy right now. I’ll go back and pull stuff and say, “This was popular in 1995, I’m putting it on.” I’m all over the place.

Sneakers or stilettos?

V: Flats. Nice flat boots.

A: At this very moment, I would put on stilettos. That’s why Pastry is making heels.

V: But heels that can also be comfortable.

A: And I love sneakers. I’ve always been a sneaker head. But that’s what drives us to be able to do a line. We’re into that world. We’re into all of it. People often say, “I don’t understand why you don’t have your stuff on all the time.” Because I’m such a fashion-person that I could never limit myself to one lane. What I like to do is go shop and get inspiration to build up new stuff.

OK, now to the burning question: who does your hair?

V: Dante and Tre Major.

People are overwhelmingly crazy about your hair.

V: I just took out all my extensions and Media Takeout’s like, “Oh, we don’t believe it” but it’s alI my hair.

A: At the end of the day, we got hair under these weaves.

V: A lot. (Laughs). Yeah, Dante [Blanchor] who also does Taraji, and Tre Major, who used to do Aaliyah. We have to give props to Kim Epps, too, who used to do our hair last season of Daddy’s Girls.

Let’s talk about the show. Do you feel a sense of vulnerability exposing your private lives on TV?

V: I don’t feel very exposed. I stay as far away from places where I know there will be cameras if I’m going out with my boyfriend. I’m just private. I’m sure one day I’ll get caught out there, but I stay as far away from cameramen as possible.

029_retouchLet’s talk about the fact that you’ve lived life day-to-day on camera and trying to maintain a private relationship.

V: Well, we’ve been on-again, off-again and we’re young. So I don’t want anyone to ever judge my relationship or be like “Aha, they broke up” next week. Not that it’s going to happen, but that could happen and I don’t need other people’s scrutiny. I don’t need those words put into the universe, so I just keep all that stuff private. And it keeps our relationship sane… even though he was on Daddy’s Girls this season.

How long have you guys [Mike Wayans] been together?

V: We’ve known each other for like four years. I met him in NY, two weeks before I moved to LA. It started out as just friends because I was actually on a date. (Laughs) And then I was just like, Hey, he gets me. We’re both kids of… we understand each other. The weird points when I just want to be by myself, he understands and he wants to be by himself because we both know what it’s like being in families in the public eye. I see other people that put their relationships out there and sometimes it doesn’t work out. And I’m not saying the industry has anything to do with it, because it could just be the people and the way they are, but the media can interfere. And I don’t want it to hurt or help my relationship. I just want it to be what it’s going to be.

I feel like you (Angela) were more vocal about your relationship than Vanessa.

A: Honestly, I’ve always been like that. I’m not like in your face but at the end of the day I know that I’m a public figure and people know what’s going on. And it’s weird that everyone has to know if I break up with somebody or I get back with somebody or I’m not with somebody. It can be a little weird because they just see you and they don’t really know what’s going on behind closed doors.

037_retouchOk, let’s talk about the whole virginity thing.

A: Ok, the whole virginity thing came out because of the breakup I had previously. And on the show, of course, it came up that I was saving myself for marriage. Is it weird that people know that now? Yeah, kind of. Do I care that much? Not really, because it’s not like it’s a bad thing. No, it’s not for everybody.

Everybody doesn’t have to wait because that’s not what they feel their destiny is. But this is what I have to do in order to get a relationship where it’s all good. I just think that when the sex factor is taken out of the relationship, you really get to know a person. Sometimes people jump in headfirst and the person that you’re with never got to know your emotional side. Is it easy? No. I mean, I’m meeting these guys and they’ve been doing whatever they’ve been doing and it’s like, “Are you serious?” Yeah, I’m serious and if you like me enough then you’re going to wait and you’re going to respect me and hopefully you’re not going to cheat because you, as a man, “need” it. I think it’s a good thing. I’m showing a guy that I can wait and hold off and it’s been a whole year and I haven’t even done it. I think it’s an eye opener to some guys.

A lot of little girls do need to know that at 15 and 14-years-old, they don’t need to be doing that. It’s crazy how right-now our society is. All these young girls having all these babies and it’s so sad. I just think that children today are so different than when we were growing up. Honestly,I didn’t kiss anybody till I was in like ninth grade. I got called a prude and I was like, “Geez, I didn’t know it was that serious.”

A: See that, Vanessa’s laughing

V: No, I’m not laughing because mine was later.

A: Well see that, Vanessa’s was later. I just thought it was, you know, normal. I thought it was normal but then you find out for some people it was first grade.

V: First grade? That doesn’t count.

A: It does count! If you kissed somebody, you kissed them.

V: I mean first grade I would get excited and tell if somebody chased me.

A: At the end of the day, I don’t think relationships can be 100 percent private. I can try to duck and hide and pretend I’m not dating someone but I’m a normal person and I’m doing things everyone does. If a relationship that I was in for two years doesn’t work, then it ends. It’s life. How many boyfriends do you really go through before you find your husband? Right now, I’m happy and fine in my relationship. I’m honest about it. I’ve been with him for like a year now and it’s a long-distance relationship so it’s really different. It’s a lot of travelling and a lot of back-and-forth.

Do you think long distance is better for you?

A: Long distance has its negatives and its positives. If you ever get into an argument, it’s not as easy to go knock on their door and be like, “Listen, this makes no sense. Why are we arguing?” It’s so frustrating to have an argument over the phone. It’s actually more effort. But does it help sometimes? Yes. Because it’s like I don’t get to see you everyday so when I do see you in three weeks…


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